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Buffy also received praise for its queer representation, with resident witches Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan) and Tara Maclay (Amber Benson) making history as the first long-term lesbian relationship on US television. The fantasy drama has continuously received widespread critical acclaim – with many individual episodes hailed as some of the finest in TV history (Hush, Restless, The Body, Once More, with Feeling) – and has also been credited with influencing other series in the same genre. Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Nicholas Brendon, Anthony Stewart Head, Emma Caulfield, Charisma Carpenter, David Boreanaz, Amber Benson, Michelle Trachtenberg, James Marsters, Eliza DushkuĬreated by J**s W****n – who went on to write and direct The Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron – Buffy the Vampire Slayer focuses on a teenage girl bestowed with supernatural abilities to defeat vampires, demons and the forces of darkness etc.

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